
November 26, 2018
People have all sorts of ways to remember what they need to do:  paper notebooks, sticky notes, email, dedicated task managers. Whatever your method, the value comes from how a to-do list parks things that need to be done outside of your brain until you’re ready to do it. So having fast and convenient ways to get...
When it comes to emails, there are two types of people in the world.   That used to be me on the right. Before Dropbox and Google Drive, I used to email drafts to myself to ensure I had version history. I’d constantly email myself tasks to remember to do. And then every morning I’d...
Did you know there are a couple ways to simulate manually sort in Toodledo?   For example, you can add a number in front of a task name and sort your list alphabetically.   You can also tag each task with a number and sort by tasks.

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