Early is on time, on time is late…
You are in the flow and making progress. You checked off your most important tasks early today. Now your checking off busy work. Then it happens…
A text message.
It’s the other half of your two-person at home rock-star team.
“Did you send the invitations out?”
You forgot because you were in the groove. You check your watch.
If you drop everything now you can still get them out today.
As you head to the post-office you think, “This doesn’t happen all the time, but I was making headway. What can I do different next time?”
The people who use task reminders and alarms, and actually receive them, are going to have less stress and more done tomorrow and at the end of the year.
The people who continue to rely on remembering, or don’t take advantage of reminders are on a treadmill. And if you’re not moving forward, which direction are you really going?
Less Stress and More Productive
Imagine being the person in line at the post-office with zero stress because you are combining your lunch break and the post-office visit.
Now when the text message comes in you can write the best message in the world…
“Done :)”
A Task Manager with Reminders and Alarms
Toodledo Reminders and Alarms do exactly that, and you can select where you are reminded:
- Web browser
- iOS/Android apps
- And even SMS
This makes sure you only get alarms where it makes sense for you.
Also, you can control the lead time between the Reminder and Task Due Time for each Task.
Steps to create your Reminder and Alarm:
- Create a Task with a Due Date and Time
- Select Reminders from Account Menu
- Choose where the Reminder is sent
Selecting where you get your Reminder is as easy as checking boxes for your web browser, iOS/Android apps and email
If you want to change anything it is as simple as clicking on the Task and adjusting the Due Date, Time, or Alarm lead time.
If you want to make sure you never miss another meeting, phone call or time-sensitive task, use the feature that the most productive Basic and Premium subscribers use…Reminders and Alarms.