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Dear Community Member, 
We hope this email finds you well. 
We have a couple of things to share in today’s newsletter: 
  • New mobile apps 
  • Ensuring you get Toodledo communications and reminders (adding email addresses to your contact list) 
  • Fix for Android crashes on legacy (multiple year old) Android app 
1. New Mobile Apps 
Last week we sent out a newsletter regarding the beta launch of the next generation mobile apps. In case you’ve been hesitating to check them out: we’re glad to share that
we’ve had no users lose their data so far after thousands of active usage sessions in the next generation apps! 
With that context, we’d like to clarify  why we’re still leaving them in “beta” state
(but highly encourage all users to check them out). 
We’re feeling confident in the level of reliability of the features currently in the next generation apps, but are still constantly adding new features and being responsive in turning around any bug fixes. Our primary focus is now working through and releasing iterations for the top priorities being provided by the community under the “Next Generation Mobile App Features” section at 
If you haven’t installed the new mobile app, we kindly encourage you to give it a try, even if you don’t consider yourself a “very technical user” 😉  
It is very straightforward: 
For Android users: 
Click on the following link and you can download the app directly from the Google Play Store: 
For iOS users: 
Please download TestFlight with the following (no need to worry, this is Apple’s official mechanism for testing new apps before they are launched in the Apple App Store)  Once you have downloaded TestFlight, click on the Toodledo logo from your phone, then you will have the option to download the latest version of Toodledo. 
On both Android and iOS, the initial launch of the app may take up to 5 minutes to sync all your data from the Toodledo systems (if you’re a long term user who’s accumulated a lot
of Toodledo data). Please do not close out the app
As we work our way through adding new features and making bug fixes, we may push new versions. You will be notified by TestFlight or the Google Play Store. After downloading the newest build, please log out and back in to ensure that you are really only using the newest version. (We are working towards removing the need to do that soon). 
2. Adding Email Addresses to your contact list 
In order to ensure you receive all emails from us (such as this newsletter), we ask that you add [email protected] to your email “contacts” list. 
Additionally, if you are using email reminders from Toodledo, please add  [email protected] to your contact list. 
Note: We have seen several users send emails to [email protected] – this is not the way to receive reminders! 
If you would like to set up email reminders, please follow these instructions:  
3. Fix for the legacy (multiple year old) Android App 
We highly recommend moving to the new, Next Generation Android app as soon as you feel comfortable (or at least run it side by side with the old app!). We will not be adding new
features to the legacy (multiple year old) app, and it will have very limited support moving forward. 
However, we understand not all features are yet available in the new/next generation apps and some users would like to have access to the current Android App for the time being. 
We have published a fix for the crashes that some users have encountered since updating their phones with recent Android phone/operating system updates. 
If you are experiencing new crashes with the Android app and would like to install this fix (no other changes have been made), please follow the instructions below: 
To get the beta version of an app, the app must already be installed on your
  1. To be safe, make sure your
        Toodledo app is signed in and you’ve synced your data (ie – if you sign
        into the desktop website you can see the most recent changes you made in
        the Android app).
  2. Open the Play Store  
  3. In the top right, tap the profile icon. 
  4. Tap Manage apps & devices > Installed
  5. Tap the Toodledo app to open its detail page (if you
        also have the Next Generation app installed, make sure you click on the
        icon for the Legacy app (which has a color gradient), NOT the new one
        (which has a solid background) – these icons are deliberately different so
        you can reliably tell them apart) 
  6. Under “Join the beta,” tap Join. (Note
        this only puts you in the “beta” for this fix on the  Legacy App and
        is separate and distinct from “joining” the Next Generation “beta”.) 

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