This is final part of a three-part series. Learn the basics of Master Your Now! in part 1 and setup your Toodledo workspace for Master Your Now! in part 2.
Great! So you’ve learned a little about One-Minute To-do List (1MTD) and Master Your Now! (MYN), and you’ve setup your workspace.
Now what?
Here are a few guidelines to help make this method work for you:
- Don’t overload your list → focus on fewer things, done well.
- Critical Now has five or fewer items
- Opportunity Now has 20 or fewer items
- Over-the-Horizon has everything else
- Review each area at the right frequency → this keeps your attention on the fewer things that you need to absolutely get done.
- Review Critical Now once an hour given it’s urgent
- Review Opportunity Now once per day
- Review Over-the-Horizon once per week
- Write deadlines in your subject lines → If something is absolutely due today, write it straight in the task subject line to keep you focused
- Next Actions: Write Only the Very Next Step → Identify the best very next action for each item and write that on your list. This way, tasks are small enough to start, and once you start, you’ll often have the momentum to keep going.
If you’d like to learn more, Michael Linenberger offers a free ebook to go deeper into the Theory and implementation of his methods. If you’d like a step-by-step guide to Mastering Your Now! with Toodledo, Michael hosts additional resources and video courses on his website.